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Fully Certified
Nightingale Library Memorial
General Information
2 Beach Road, Tāhunanui, Nelson 7011
03 546 8100
Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change
Monday to Friday: 12:00 pm — 4:00 pm, Saturday: Closed, Sunday: 1:00 pm — 4:00 pm
The Nelson Public Libraries as we know them today consist of the Elma Turner Library, Nightingale Memorial Library and Stoke Library. The Library was one of the first to be established in New Zealand, and has provided continuous library service for a longer time than any other New Zealand public library.
Notes for Cardholders
We can offer additional services and support to Hāpai Access Card Holders, including extended borrowing times and waiving usual fees associated with our Audio-Visual collections (currently DVDs only are charged) and can be flexible in applying charges for reservations. We can support card holders to use the accessibility features which are on all our public access computers.
Standing and Queuing

Car parking is available directly outside the library doors, so limited walking is required. We have a variety of seating dotted all over the library that we encourage you to utilise during your visit. If you require assistance from our staff and there is a queue, we can request another staff member to assist in limiting your wait time or offering you to sit nearby while retaining your place in the queue. We are happy to assist you with your inquiry seated rather than at the counter if it is easier for you.
Level Access

A wheelchair ramp is provided for the entrance facing the carpark while the entrance on the main road as a level surface. Our staff are vigilant about obstacles that could obscure access; they will ensure that all areas are clear and wheelchair accessible at all times.

Our friendly staff can assist you by describing the location of specific resources and facilities and are happy to walk with you around the library. We have a great range of seating areas within the library. When attending a programme at our library, we will ensure that you have a comfortable seat for the duration.
Urgent Toilet Access

Wheelchair accessible bathrooms are located in the main foyer of the library.
Disability Assist Dogs

Disability Assistance Dogs are welcome. The staff will offer you water for your dog and will indicate the nearest place for the dog to relieve itself.
Essential Companions

Our libraries are free to visit, and it is free for members to borrow items. Our friendly staff will be on hand to assist you with anything you may need including a quiet space to sit or directions around the library. If you are attending a paid or booked-in programme, your +1 can attend to assist you.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information

Customers who have difficulty with visual information are more than welcome in our libraries- and we have resources for you to utilise such as talking books and e-audiobooks. Our staff will be on hand to verbally describe the library layout to you and come around the library with you if you would like. We will always ensure no obstacles or tripping hazards around the library.
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information

We are not able to offer sign language, but our staff are happy to spend the time needed with you and will slow down and speak clearer, and can offer you pen and paper to communicate with you. There is visual information available with the library for wayfinding.
Hidden Disabilities

Our staff will ask you what we can do to help and will follow your lead. We are more than glad to assist you, so please tell us anything we need to be aware of to ensure you have the best possible experience in our library.
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