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Fully Certified
General Information
60 Cathedral Square, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011
03 941 7923
Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change
9am-8pm weekdays (Ground Floor open from 8am), 10am-5pm weekends
Tūranga is located in Cathedral Square, in the heart of Ōtautahi Christchurch. At nearly 10,000 square metres, Tūranga is the largest public library in the South Island. Across our 5 floors we have a wide variety of books, resources and technologies for you to access. Browse our wide variety of books, audiobooks and ebooks, delve into your family or local history, learn more about makerspace projects and 3D printing, or book in a time to use our recording studio.
Notes for Cardholders
Standing and Queuing

Please approach a staff member if you have questions or need assistance. You can call out or wave if you need them to come to you, and there are many seating options available. Our team can often be found near desks or service points but also roam the library floor, they can be identified by the rainbow lanyards they wear. A wheelchair is available by request if needed.
Level Access

It is about 36 metres from the closest accessible car park to the Gloucester Street entrance, and about 10 metres from the closest accessible car park to the Colombo Street entrances.
We have a ramp at our Gloucester Street entrance and no obstruction to wheelchairs/mobility scooters at our Cathedral Square entrance. There are push button automatic opening doors on both the Gloucester Street and Cathedral Square entrances to provide an easier entry for wheelchairs and mobility scooters. Our doorways wide enough to allow access for standard wheelchairs and mobility scooters.
All public areas are accessible via our 3 public lifts. Each floor has an accessible toilet, plus there is an accessible toilet on the ground floor near the cafe end.
Staff are available to retrieve things from higher levels by request if you are uncomfortable with the height of the building.

There are accessible car parks on Gloucester Street (36 metres away), and next to Foundation Cafe Colombo Street (10 metres away) - although the cafe closes at 4pm. Our staff can call you a taxi if needed.
A wheelchair is available for you to borrow while visiting if required.
Urgent Toilet Access

We have toilets on all floors, including 1 accessible toilet per floor plus another accessible toilet near Foundation Cafe on the ground floor.
Disability Assist Dogs

Assistance dogs are welcome in the library. We can provide water upon request if your dog is thirsty. Untrained dogs are not allowed.
Essential Companions

Your support person has free access to any paid activity that you are attending and they are welcome to join you in any activities.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information

Staff are available to help introduce you to or help you access library resources. We can find a quieter space in which to assist you if required. There are bilingual signage at the lifts and entrances. We run a sensory hour between 7-8pm on Mondays with lower lighting and reduced noise and visual stimuli.
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information

Our staff have time to listen and talk in a way that works for you. We are familiar with and some of our team know basic NZSL.
Hidden Disabilities

We will ask if there is any way we can help you during your visit. We will follow your lead to make sure you have the best possible experience in our library. Visitors may be concerned about the height of the building, and are welcome to request a staff member retrieve the item they need from its respective floor, or request they are accompanied by staff in the lift.
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