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Fully Certified

Templeton Summer Pool

General Information

62 Kirk Road, Templeton, Christchurch 8042

03 941 8999

Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change

Open in summer. Check website for specific dates and times of opening.

Templeton Summer Pool provides an inviting atmosphere for whānau, friends, and individuals seeking respite from the summer heat.
Notes for Cardholders

Please note that Templeton Summer Pool is not wheelchair accessible.

Within the Christchurch City Council network, Jellie Park Recreation and Sport Centre's outdoor pool (that is open in the summer only) is the most accessible summer pool.

Hāpai Access Cardholders receive our discounted entry rates. See our website for more information

Standing and Queuing
If you have any difficulty with standing or are struggling in the queue, please wave or show your Hāpai Access Card to the staff members, they will ask you to come to the front of the queue or direct you to available seating.
Level Access
Please note that Templeton Summer Pool is not wheelchair accessible. The venue has limited spacing and limited facilities to accommodate specific needs. Within the Christchurch City Council network, Jellie Park Recreation and Sport Centre's outdoor pool (that is open in the summer only) is the most accessible summer pool.
If staff see you with the card or you inform them that you are struggling, they will ask you to come to the front of the queue or direct you to available seating. There are seats available throughout the facility for you to use.
Urgent Toilet Access
Standard toilets are located in the gendered changing rooms that are poolside; two toilets in the female and one toilet in the male.
Disability Assist Dogs
Guide and companion dogs are welcome in the facility and can wait beside the pool. Speak to a lifeguard if you have any queries or if you need assistance.
Essential Companions
Your support person has free access to the activity that you are attending. The role of your support person is to support you with communication and any personal care assistance, assist you through the facility and support you to exit the facility in an emergency. They will need to assist you in the pool if required or actively monitor from the poolside.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information
Our team can offer assistance and support to read signs and information and guide you to the changing area or to the pool. They can also introduce you to the surroundings and key locations such as toilets and entry/exit doors, along with any hazards that may present a risk.
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information
Staff will endeavour to communicate clearly with you, if necessary moving to a quieter area. Staff will write down information for you to read if the information is becoming difficult to communicate.
Hidden Disabilities
Staff will discreetly enquire if we can be of any assistance to you during your visit.
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